
Inigo Paolo Lagunilla

About Paolo

Inigo Paolo Nino, or Paolo to his friends and colleagues, began practicing yoga in 2012, as a from of ‘passive exercise.’ Since then, Paolo has come to realize how wrong his perception of yoga was and how active and challenging yoga can be. Slowly, he became more involved in the practice, since 2016, has been a certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher.

Through the years, Paolo embraced yoga as a lifelong commitment – something that should be applied on and off the mat.

An architect by profession, Paolo is able to apply yoga in his everyday life – dealing with clients, consultants, and colleagues – remaining calm amidst all the chaos of design and construction. As a teacher, he believes that anyone can do yoga and hopes to inspire his students to believe that maintaining a balance between a corporate job and practicing yoga is possible.

Reach Paolo